How Do I Take an Impression?
Read through the instructions provided in your impression kit, and watch a demonstration video if you are unsure about impression taking. Feel free to send over pictures of your impression before posting too. It's a crucial stage that will determine how well your caps will fit. Your first impression kit is on-the-house, but additional kits are available to purchase if your first impression fails. If your Dentist can take an impression for you even better! A professional mold would be a really good starting point. The tooth/teeth that you want capped should be clearly visible in the impression, the gum line around the tooth should be sharp in order to make a cap that covers the tooth properly.
My grillz are loose, what do I do?
A dab of polygrip (denture adhesive) will create a non-permanent seal which will hold your grill in place, I personally recommend this first if you're struggling to fit them. Your caps may simply need tightening, in some cases small adjustments could be made with a pair of pliers and a cloth to avoid damaging the piece. If your caps don't fit this is likely to be a problem with the impression/model. The silicone may have moved in the mouth before setting properly or warped slightly creating a false impression of your teeth. Unfortunately I can't give a refund for caps that require polygrip or tightening.
My grillz are too tight, what do I do?
Please don't force them onto your teeth if something feels wrong as this could cause damage. Adjustments could be made to make the grill fit to a new model
I aim to spot any problems with the impression before casting your model to avoid wasting anyone's time, but unfortunately a new impression may be required if the caps simply don't fit. Order a new impression kit and we can go through the process again
Can I smoke/vape/eat/drink/sleep wearing grillz?
No, to avoid any bacteria growing on your grillz, keep them away from food and avoid swallowing them! Smoking/vaping/drinking can tarnish the metal just like any other jewellery, plus the added danger of choking
How do I keep my grillz clean?
Warm, soapy water and a toothbrush with a good rinse will work outside of the mouth. Avoid any toxic cleaning chemicals that you wouldn't want to ingest
What is the turnaround time for grillz?
This varies depending on your location and/or the speed of moving your order through customs. UK customers should receive their mold kit within a week of ordering. Customers outside the UK may benefit from ordering a mold kit from their country to speed things up as customs/shipping can take a few weeks. When returning your impression I recommend express shipping with tracking, if your package is lost in the post you will be able to get compensation. Once I have your impression I aim to make your grillz in 5-10 days